Migration and Integration Statistics (in English)
International Migration - Denmark: Report to OECD
This report to the OECD describes the recent development in the field of migration to and integration in Denmark.
International Migration, OECD
Find a wide range of data on migration and integration issues in OECD-countries and compare countries across.
Comparative Nordic Statistics
The Nordic Statistics gives access to the data from the Nordic Statistics database. It contains comparative Nordic statistics of strategic importance for the Nordic cooperation. The website further presents news and releases.
Nordic Pocket Facts
Nordic Pocket Facts is the result of a cooperation between the Nordic countries. It provides a picture of the similarities and differences of labour market integration in the Nordic countries.
Statistics Denmark - Statbank
Statistics Denmark is the official Danish statistical agency. The Statbank is a free online tool, where you can find a wide range of data on Danish society.
New to Denmark - Statistics
This page presents a number of key figures regarding population, asylum, family reunification and immigration in Denmark.